How my practice works
I aim to be completely straight with my clients about the kind of care they need and what they can expect from me. In no case will anybody receive care without express approval and foreknowledge.
Any appointments will be scheduled by you or during an appointment with your input. All costs are discussed beforehand and there will never be 'surprise' costs. You will receive total transparency about the costs of the services we agree on together.
All functional testing and supplements are discussed during the appointment and are always optional. There is no obligation to purchase.
The number of appointments necessary depend on individual goals and needs. Most people are seen once per month but it varies greatly, some people are seen for years, while others need only a couple of appointments. All appointments will be scheduled by you or with your express approval.
Functional testing are wonderful ways to gain invaluable information, but no one is ever obligated or pressured to do any tests. Tests range from $250 - $600 each.
I work with high quality, verified and science backed dispensaries and brands with cutting edge technology and testing systems. No one is ever obligated to purchase supplements, and the decision to acquire them or use the dispensaries is entirely up to the client. The retail prices of supplement ranges widely but all costs will be discussed beforehand.
You can certainly ask about any costs about which you may be unsure, and I will always provide clear information. Get in touch with me if you have any related questions.