Chances are, you yourself or someone you know has been diagnosed with an autoimmune condition.
The prevalence of autoimmune disease has skyrocketed in recent years. But what exactly is it, and what causes it?
Autoimmunity is an immune system gone wrong. The body produces antibodies against its own tissues, mistaking itself for a foreign invader.
I know what it's like to feel betrayed by your own body. Perhaps you’ve experienced brain fog, fatigue, aches and pains, rashes, or chronic gastrointestinal issues.
This is just a short list of symptoms, as hundreds of autoimmune conditions exist, each manifesting in their own unique way. Maybe your doctor has said that there is nothing they can do other than to prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs and “hope for the best.”
What if I told you that remission is possible just by targeting the root causes?Autoimmune disease has five main culprits:
microbial imbalances
environmental toxins
hypersensitivities to food
nutritional deficiencies
At the center of all of these is inflammation
Typically, an autoimmune disease is triggered by an environmental assailant(it could be a food, toxins in food, cleaning products, make-up or personal care products, or the stress of daily living) that “turns on” a particular gene or group of genes.
Autoimmunity always involves a genetic predisposition: A trigger activates the expression of genes that causes the body to make antibodies.
You might be thinking that if autoimmune diseases are genetic by nature, isn’t there not much that can be done to prevent or treat them?
But in fact, genetic expression is highly influenced by environmental factors.
Regardless of genotype, if we treat our genes well, they will behave well.
For instance, the foods that we eat are more than just fuel: Vitamins and minerals provide information that tells our genes how to function. Therefore, autoimmune disease can be successfully treated by optimizing nutrition and lifestyle choices
So, how is this done? One of the best ways to start is by assessing the gut and the gut microbiome.
What is the gut, you may ask?
The gut is essentially one big, long tube
Inside this tube is our food. When food is not fully digested, it is foreign to the body and contains toxins.
The gut is responsible for breaking down food into the building blocks our body needs--glucose, fatty acids, and amino acids, extracting vitamins and minerals, and eliminating waste products.
But when the tube has holes in it, undigested food particles enter the bloodstream!
The body doesn’t recognize these particles, and it mounts an attack by producing antibodies.
This “leaky gut” phenomenon is often caused by an imbalance of good and bad gut bacteria (“gut dysbiosis”).
The role of microscopic bacteria and fungi in a healthy GI tract:
metabolize nutrients, produce some vitamins and anti-inflammatory compounds called short chain fatty acids (SCFAs)
protect the single-cell tissue layer that separates the gut from the bloodstream
BUT when there are too many bad bacteria, the GI tract becomes inflamed and vulnerable!
The glue-like molecules (tight junctions) that stick endothelial cells tightly together, loosen up, causing food particles and toxins to slip through the tube
Because ~70% of the immune system resides in the gut, an inflamed, poorly functioning GI tract confuses the immune system and leads to autoimmune disease.
Thankfully, reducing inflammation and feeding our gut bacteria with the right nutrients facilitates gut healing, which in turn can help to prevent or reverse autoimmune disease
Gut dysbiosis is fueled by a diet full of inflammatory, ultra-processed foods that promote the growth of bad bacteria, such as:
refined carbohydrates, added sugars, vegetable oils, alcohol, and artificial sweeteners
Replacing these foods with whole foods such as:
fresh fruits and vegetables
pasture-raised meats
wild-caught seafood
healthy fats (omega-3 rich nuts, seeds, avocados, etc.)
These whole foods help fight inflammation and support the growth of good bacteria!
For more information, take a look at my free guide: Pro Tips to Heal Leaky Gut!
Of course, each person is unique, so I always take an individualized approach with my patients!
Are you struggling with autoimmune disease and not sure how to get started? I’ve got you! Book a free 15-minute discovery call and check out my healthy gut program!
This program includes:
extensive microbiome testing to assess for dysbiosis
inflammation, food sensitivities, and overall GI function
a series of one-on-one functional nutrition coaching meetings with me
an individualized, actionable protocol to heal your gut
Let's get started!